Sunday, 11 August 2019
My City...El Paso Strong...
As I sit here I begin to wonder weather to write this post or not. But yet here it is...
When ever I looked at the news never in a million years did I think I would be talking about a shooting, especially not in my city. El Paso is my adoptive city, and also the city I chose to raise my kids, a city I learnt to love along with its community. A community that comes together irregardless of who you are. I have learnt over the years that the people that live here are good people, strong, hard working and happy!
When I left El Paso to go to England now almost 15 years ago I didn't know if I would come back or not. Did I miss it? Yes! But I had forgotten how amazing this city was. So when I came back I found a new happiness, Sun City welcomed me back and Gee was I glad to be back. This time not just by myself but with now my family. It all just made sense, I was back and for good this time.
I have always loved El Paso and the amazing mountains, we are surrounded by mountains and every day on my way to work those mountains put a smile on my face, they are beautiful. Like everything in my life, I am protective of this city, and it angers me that somebody came here with the sick and disgusting idea but to shoot Hispanic people. I don't understand how someone can do that to someone they don't even know, to innocent people! How can someone hate someone they don't even know so much?! How is this even right? How are any of these shootings taking place in this Country "normal"?! How?! And why are people getting away with being a 'white supremacist'?! Where is the pride in that? How can someone be proud of that?! This is not normal nor right, racism is NOT right! You should know better than that. And FYI no one in this country is a 100% American unless you are a Native Indian. Ignorance should be fixed. Educate yourself.
El Paso was hurt, we were all hurt by this atrocity and our hearts go to those 22 beautiful people we lost and their families. El Paso is strong, you might have hurt us but we will recover, and we will be stronger for that.