Thursday, 15 August 2019
No Social Media...Well some of it...
Lately I try not to go on certain parts of social because I don't really have the time.
Yet the last few days given also my busy family and work life I have decided to take a break off certain other social media such as Kakao and things like that. My main communication platform for family, friends and close friends is Messenger, even better than normal messages :P but for many reasons I would never take a break from Messenger ;)
I'm not sure if its because life is busy lately I find myself being a negative person around certain people. It's strange, but I'm not that person. But maybe it could also be the fact that since I started learning a new language I have also met other people that think very different than me and have found myself dealing with a bit of their own drama and believing there's something wrong with certain people. We all know by now we shouldn't trust strangers, we are told that as children so I find myself unable to trust new people, because in the internet you are who you want to be! Being a blogger and now a youtuber I find it easy to share certain information about me, so I guess I kind of have those expectations off others, maybe that's bad on me. So once I get it in my mind that someone seems a bit "Shady" (what a silly word) I can't stop thinking that way. My stubbornnes is the worst! But maybe I should also change those habits. Till those habits are fixed though I have taken a break from the mention platform or platforms. For my own good and maybe also for the the good of those "friendships".
Side note, not everyone I have met whilst learning this new language has been bad. There's been so many lovely people and some that I'm close to who I can be my normal lovely annoying self with :P and who I have trusted with my Messenger hahaha!!
I've had a few requests on Instagram to do a video on the good and bad of Hello talk and the apps I use for learning so I'm keeping that in mind. I will let you all know when I do, of course ;)
Anyway, have a super lovely day!! New post coming soon! One to do with confidence and Victoria's Secret ;) And will be vlogging this weekend, got some very cool family events that would be cool to share :)
Alicia xoxox