A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Sunday, 17 June 2018


"Sup?" Really? What a bloody nonchalant attitude!
But truth be told if you are still following me you would know my attitude is all but nonchalant.

First of all let me start by saying Sorry! I have been gone from the blogsphere for now more than
1 year. I didn't intend on doing so but I felt so uninspired when it came to writing about my outfits with everything else that was going on. What I should of done was have a proper look back at my first posts, because truth be told this was meant to be more than a fashion blog. It was supposed to be an outlet into my everyday life, back to when I was in England.
It seems like another lifetime ago when I was back in good Ol' England, and truth be told I miss it, but not quite enough to go back and live there, all my boyos and I are quite happy here in the States.
But anyway, back to my absence. Back to saying one last time how sorry I am to have left you all, if you are all still here.
What's new in my life you might ask? Well if you follow me on insta you would know about the new awesome cutie addition in our live's, so feel free to do so ;)!!
I've also have taken on a new hobbie...drumroll please...tatatata...
I've taken on a new language to add to my repertoire. Korean. Yes, you read that right. I've taken on learning Korean. It's going ok, I can read it, and say the basics, just gotta concentrate and get on learning it properly, or more like I need to focus.
You might be wondering why I've taken an interest in Korean?! Well this one time I will blame my sister who introduced me to " Doramas" aka Korean-drama's. Yep! The likes of Kim-Woo Bin, Sung Hoon, and Lee Min-Ho are to blame for this! ha! But not just that, I love the way the language sounds, and quite curious about the culture. Word of Warning: Real Korean life is not like in the K-drama's :P

I will probably talk to you about the whole Korean language experience on another post. Be warned, it's been good and a bit weird, but more on that on another post. For now, I just needed to let you know I'm back, I'm back for good baby!

Hope you are all having an awesome weekend.

Lot's of love,

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