I feel like this year has been amazing in some ways, in other's not so much! Call me silly but actually having a candidate I supported so much lose the Election has actually affected me a bit. Why? you might ask...
1st of all, it's the first time I support a candidate 100% because of all she has actually done, not because of what she hasn't done! She's made hard decisions, decisions that had to be done for the better of the Country. We all face decision making on a daily basis weather it'd be coffee or tea, what shoes to wear, go to work or not, stand up to someone or stay quiet? I know I'd stand up to someone, chose coffee over tea and get on with work. Yet I know I probably would be criticized because I chose coffee over tea, etc, etc....
This ramble is not all because of a 'candidate' it's because we were taught better as we grew up, to fight for what you believe in, to not let bullies intimidate you, to stand up for what you think is right, yet somebody else that represents the total opposite was chosen! And he was chosen was because of fear, because of false promises and ignorance and when that wasn't enough - he used racism, bigotry and the demeaning of anyone that stood up against him. I know better than to compare Trump to Hitler, the differences are many, yet so are some of the similarities. I would love to discuss all of this but I won't, yet I'm scared of history repeating itself.
I haven't been one of those people that's sat on her behind complaining about the results of the elections, many of us are still fighting for what we think is right, and not giving up. With the occasional complaining, hey I'm human!
I want my kids to grow up in a Country where democracy actually exists, and they can believe that the sky is not the limit, there's much more to it, do good and then do better till you know you reach your potential and then some!
Let's hope America can keep being the Land of the Free and Brave!