A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Friday, 27 July 2018

S. Korea...K-Pop...PT 3...

Another reason why you might know about S.Korea might be K-pop! I guess mainly BTS...? Yeah they are cool, but not my favorite group. If I had to pick a K-pop group, it would be CNBlue without a doubt. They are as awesome as they get and very different from the other groups. But on to the other groups then. My sister keeps telling me, every group has a rapper, a best singer, best dancer, etc...but what every group has in common is traning. A very hard training...I guess the whole saying of " If you are gonna do it, better do it right'' would apply to Korean k-pop. The groups pictured above are CNBlue, KNK, Infinite and BTS...They are all very different, and that's what makes them the best...each in its own way. 
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