A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Saturday, 25 July 2015


I've been picturing or writing in my head what this blog post was going to be about, but once I was finally able to sit down and type...well it's all gone! I will blame it on the mummy-brain-card, why not? Other's do it, so let's follow suit (haha!) I can't believe it's been 9 months since I had little Lo(Logan) the little cheeky-cutie is turning into such a smart little person, who makes me the happiest mummy out there. Every day I discover how at this young age is developing a very strong personality, in which he has taken a few traids from both the hubby and me, but mainly is him showing us himself...

Today and tomorrow there will be blog posts and also revealing a reason as to why I haven't posted much lately, it's got to do with hair so stay tune for Monday's post. Today's post was just to let you know I'm here and an excuse to show you a bit of Lil Lo ;)

Have a lovely weekend!!

Alicia x x
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