A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

When in France...Pt 1...

It has been 2 and something crazy months, a few months of quite a bit of change. New house and also another new addition to come soon. Yep, I'm preggers, 25 weeks to be exact, and the hormones are actually on check, or so I think, you'd have to ask the hubby and the little boyo who put up with me :)
Anyway, I finally have the net in the house, it's taken these many months for it to get installed, given these are new houses. New houses I'm not thrilled about, even if it's a lovely new house, I miss the old house which use to have a bit more character, a bit more history...but hey-ho you never know when a new move might present itself ;)
And now to the purpose of this 4 part post (s) A month ago we went to France to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day Landings, and as I've told you guys before I'm a bit WW2 geek and therefore the boys and I headed over to Normandy for a week of celebrations, an amazing week which truly opened my eyes.
This is the first little post in which we took the ferry from Dover to Dunkirk, a lovely windy ride :)

Hope you are having a great week :)

Alicia x x
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