A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Saturday, 12 July 2014

When in France Pt.3...

Bayeux- A beautiful lovely town I didn't get the chance to explore more of and am itching to go back asap! Also the town where I met the first WW2 re-en actors and some amazingly lovely veterans, a very different experience, and one I will never forget. Amazing place with great people, beautiful surroundings, and great food, the restaurant we ate at was great, hubby (who's a chef )and not scared of any food tried many things I was a bit scared of, I blame it on pregnancy ;) haha!
We also went to visit St. Mere Eglise, the place of the Airborne. If you've seen Band of Brothers you will know what I'm talking about!! Beautiful historic town!
Last to visit but where we spent the most time was Omaha beach, one of the many beaches the little one enjoyed. We also payed our respects at the cemetery. You will know this cemetery and Omaha beach if you are familiar with Saving Private Ryan.
This is the penultimate post of WW2 history. This trip was to honor the 70th anniversary of the D-DAY landings, but that doesn't mean we didn't do anything else. My boys and I thoroughly enjoyed Normandy, we went to the beach pretty much every day, we played football every afternoon, little one enjoyed the playground every day and just enjoyed each others company to the max!

Hope you are having a lovely saturday!!

I wore- H&M Leggings, Vans, Zara Top, Zara Waistcoat, French Connection Mac
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