Traveling Alone to Korea...
My first time traveling alone to Korea must admit was a little nerve wrecking, I barely knew the basics of the Korean language and hadn't met in person these people that called themselves my friends (except for Julie). Nor did I actually have any expectations. I had traveled to other places by myself before and believed it would all workout no matter what. I was determined to see what Korea had to offer and make the most of it! I ventured to South Korea by myself to see if my heart and mind were right about this country, that was calling so much of my attention and was super excited to see!
First of all, you won't have to go thru what I went thru my first time there, there are no more mandatory covid tests and quarantine requirements! So yayyy to that! Now a days all you need to do is fill out an Arrival card that gets given to you at the airplane, your passport, your Airbnb address, and you are set. You don't need a K-ETA, ( but there are a very few countries that need it, so please head on to the official K-ETA website. In all honesty my second time traveling to Korea was so much easier!!
Things you will need as you travel alone to make a little more confident there!
Get your korean money (Wons) at your local bank in your own country. Have different bills, such as 10.000, 50.000, 1.000 and 5.000 bills.
Have a copy of your Airbnb's address, both in Korean and in English.
Download Naver maps, Kakao Taxi, Kakao Maps and Papago before you head over!
These apps will be a total life saver and make things much easier!
Rent a pocket WI-FI or a SIM card before coming over and pick it up at the airport after you get your luggage. I rented a pocket WI-FI for 18 days and it all came to $40 and the internet was suuuuper fast!
Depending on the company you chose to rent from they all have their kiosks in both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 at Incheon Airport! All you need is to have the credit card you payed with online and your passport.
There are several ways to get out of Incheon Airport and over to your city of choice in Korea. You can take the Subway, Taxi or Bus. I opted for the bus this time! Cheap and super convenient. You can find the busses as you exit the airport doors. If you opt for the subway just follow all the signs at the airport, it will lead you to it!
Do research!!! I can't emphasize enough! Especially if you really want to go to a certain place. I still recommend to stay at Myeong-dong if it's your first time in Korea. Everything is near it and you will be able to find the Information people in red that will help you! Make sure you use your Naver or Kakao maps.
Another recommendation is to also go with the flow a bit! I found weirdly enough that my instinct will always be right and guide me to where I needed to be. Allow yourself to know the city and enjoy just walking around.
I will let you in a little secret; people are happy to help. I found myself a little lost a few times and decided to just ask people if they could help. 100% of those people I asked helped me. Some even walked me to the right side of the subway line. I was also approached by a few people as I looked at the maps in the Subway and asked if I needed help. Korean people are very nice. I can only speak by my experience.
Another trip whilst traveling in Korea by yourself is to wear comfortable shoes! There's a lot of walking and a loooot of stairs. So be comfortable.
BIG tip!! Know the language, at least the basics! Most businesses in Seoul understand English but it's better and shows more etiquette if you know a little of Korean language.
When going at a restaurant the bill will be given to you, but you must pay at the register when you finish eating.
Water is free at the restaurants.
So for now these are the tips I will share with you when traveling to South Korea. It goes without saying, to be aware. Even though Korea is super safe don't ignore your common sense!
Happy Travels :)