A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

A day at the park....

As you know Kids break up from school for a week and since I have this week off work with the hubby the day was spent at the park just as 3. To be honest I love days like these, days where you enjoy yourself with the family at the park and when the seasons are changing..but I think you guys can still see what I'm wearing (a little bit), I know it's all blue but that was the point. I see black on black all the time so I decided to do blue on blue on blue etc ha! but opted for brown shoes to sorta give it a nice balance in which the scarf helped too. Hope you guys are having a nice Wednesday..

p.s. a better outfit post coming soon, I guess this post is more on sharing what I did today lol ;)

what do you guys do on your days off?

Alicia xo


Alyssa Pritchett said...

A lovely outfit for such a beautiful day! I love when the weather starts to get chilly :)


Monse Fuentes said...

beautiful pictures!


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