A personal blog...By Alicia Gutierrez-Balmer

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

So confused....

So I'm in between 2 great belts for yes moi...One is the classic and ultra chic Hermes black belt:) and the other one is the super cute and it belt to have the vintage Moschino... I for one am not one to want what loads have but i do truely like the Moschino one, but the Hermes is more simple yet it says more to me....so the verdict is.....I got no clue...


Unknown said...

oh the moshino xxx

Modna Komoda said...

I adore this moshino belt <3 :)

Abi said...

Oh, I prefer the Hermes. I've always loved anything Hermes so I guess I'm partial to them.


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